दीर्घराज प्रसाई

दीर्घराज प्रसाई

Last seen: 3 years ago

Freelance writer: Studied at Tribhuvan University & Graduated in 1968.

Member since Jan 28, 2022

Hindu Kingdom and Hindu Monarchy of Nepal is related to...

Nepal and India are only the two pious Hindu countries in the world. These Hindu...

के राजालाई राजनैतिक नेताहरुले दिएको धोकाको परिणाम आज ने...

२०६३ वैशाख ११ गते राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रसँग ७ राजनीतिक दलबाट सहमति भएर जनआन्दोलन बिसर्...

Hindu Kingdom and Hindu Monarchy of Nepal is related to...

Nepal has cordially sustainable relationship with India. Being identity and sur...

Hinduism is the foundation of civilization

Among all religions of the world, Hindu religion is considered as an ancient re...

Nepal's monarchy is the guarantor for peace and stabili...

The reality is that the Hindu kingdom and Hindu monarchy are the identified sym...

नेपालको गौरवमय इतिहास !

यसरी २०६३ सालदेखि अहिले २०७८ सालसम्म २०७० साल अगाढिको २०६२ सालमा दिल्लीमा भएको ...

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