
ट्रम्पको दोस्रो कार्यकालमा नेपाललाई पर्नसक्छ यस्ता प्रभाव

ट्रम्पको दोस्रो कार्यकालमा नेपालीलाई सबैभन्दा धेरै चासो र सरोकारको विषय सायद यही...

बालिका बलात्कार आरोपमा एक जना पक्राउ

काठमाडौं । प्रहरीले १४ वर्षीया बालिकालाई बलात्कार गरेको आरोपमा धनकुटाबाट एक जनाल...

US Treasury says it was hacked by China in ‘major incid...

US Treasury says it was hacked by China in ‘major incident’  EuronewsUS Treasury...

एन्जेलिना जोली र ब्राड पिटको सम्बन्धविच्छेद

काठमाडौं । हलिउड स्टार एन्जेलिना जोली र ब्राड पिटले आठ वर्षपछि डिभोर्सलाई अन्तिम...

TikTok has opened the door to a new age of medical misi...

TikTok has opened the door to a new age of medical misinformation – and I’m seei...

South Korea’s impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol faces a...

Arrest of Yoon Suk Yeol sparks political crisis In a historic decision, a Seoul ...

Chinese state-sponsored cyberattack breaches US Treasur...

US Treasury says Chinese hackers stole documents in ‘major incident’ A major cyb...

Atul Subhash suicide case: Deceased techie’s lawyer opp...

Atul Subhash suicide case: Family of Bengaluru techie opposes Nikita Singhania’s...

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