My New Letter Series – Dear Creator of Pakistan M A Jinnah, Abbottabad Is The Reason… Part I

Dear Creator of Pakistan M A Jinnah, Your country celebrated its 78th birthday (they want to call it Independence Day) a few days ago, with a lot of fervor, excitement, bloodshed and flags being displayed (and not being displayed). You heard right! Blood was shed but that’s easily explainable, JinJin! As your people like to […] The post My New Letter Series – Dear Creator of Pakistan M A Jinnah, Abbottabad Is The Reason… Part I appeared first on PGurus.

Aug 29, 2024 - 08:29
My New Letter Series – Dear Creator of Pakistan M A Jinnah, Abbottabad Is The Reason… Part I
JinJin, India has moved away from Gandhian philosophy—now, if slapped on one cheek, it responds by slapping back on both

Dear Creator of Pakistan M A Jinnah,

Your country celebrated its 78th birthday (they want to call it Independence Day) a few days ago, with a lot of fervor, excitement, bloodshed and flags being displayed (and not being displayed). You heard right! Blood was shed but that’s easily explainable, JinJin! As your people like to say, “hum zinda kaum hain” (we are a living community), they also want to ensure that “others” celebrate with them! Nothing wrong with that, Mo! What would you do, Mo? I mean, people don’t even want to celebrate Independence Day!! Granted, it should be Creation Day, not Independence Day, but that’s just semantics!! I mean, my parents and siblings celebrate my “day of independence from my mother’s womb” as a birthday and I celebrate this as “the day I gained independence to cause mayhem in the world”! Just semantics, Right?

Anyways, the problem arises when neighboring countries don’t want to cooperate. Like for instance, Afghanistan! Yep, you heard right, Mo! Ain’t nothin’ wrong with your ears! Yes, JinJin, the same Afghanistan that used to bow down to your every demand is now telling you to take a long walk on a short boardwalk!! That country wants a big chunk of your country! And Iran wants another chunk of your country! No, they don’t listen to the Shah (BTW, the Shah has been gone for over 45 years and it’s now the Islamic Republic)! And how can ONE FORGET India that wants another chunk! What do these countries think Pakistan should be, Sindh and Punjab???? OH Damn! Even that’s not possible since Sindh wants to break away too and create Sindhu Desh!! I kid you not, Mo!! So, what started as Pakistan when you were here is NO LONGER APPLICABLE!!

I don’t understand India and Indian people! I mean, some few misguided youth from Pakistan take it upon themselves, with NO INVOLVEMENT FROM THE (DIS)REPUTABLE Pakistani Military, to get Jammu & Kashmir its independence, and all of a sudden, Pakistan is called Terror State!! Ok, maybe not a few but a few thousand!! I am NOT changing my count anymore!! Anytime any blast happens, anywhere in the world, Pakistan is automatically blamed! That’s not fair!! JinJin, believe it or not, even the Arab countries are banning Pakistani citizens from entering their countries!! Again, Mo, I KID YOU NOT!! Yeah, you’re right, Mo! They’re all Brother countries (or as your people like to call it, Biradri Mulk) and believe in the same GOD you do!!

I don’t know if anyone told you this, JinJin, but there were a few unfortunate people that died, in the USA, on Sep-11, 2001. This is now popularly called 9/11. So a few (thousand) people died, and the person who led this “Holy” war was found in Pakistan. In Abbottabad to be precise!! Would you believe if I told you that America has stopped trusting Pakistan? After Pakistan fought this “war on terror” and lost 60,000 lives? Granted, Pakistan created these terrorists but again, that’s past history and no one wants to go back in time? Or do we? Like one of your COAS (Chief Of Army Staff) said, “Maazi ko bhool jao” (forget the past)!! Again, people didn’t listen to this honorable general! So, a few (million) Afghans were killed or displaced!! Didn’t Pakistan offer shelter to these people? So, the USA and other countries offered a few (billion) dollars for the upkeep of these displaced Afghans. Ok, so a general, or two, used one or two dollars for their own upkeep, but what’s wrong with that? Honesty is not a trait that the West should be preaching, especially to the very honest Pakistani Army Officers!! The Chinese have been extremely supportive of Pakistan! I mean, they have spent billions of USD on developing your country!! Yes, they do expect this money to be paid back, but which country doesn’t? I stand corrected, the only country foolish enough to not expect the money back WAS the USA, but after the 9/11 attacks, even they don’t want to give any aid to your country!! I mean, how does a country survive if the others don’t give them aid!! It’s not like Pakistan has a flourishing economy developed by your country’s people! Pakistan has always been a country that offered its army to other countries!! Yes, at a cost but that’s easily explainable!! Who, in her/ his right mind wants to fight another person’s war???

India has stopped believing in Gandhian philosophy!! I KID YOU NOT, Mo! Gandhi had said, ‘If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other”! The current Indian people, when slapped on one cheek, slap back on both your cheeks!! THIS IS BAD! Thank god India still has the Indian National Congress, or as Indians fondly call it, Khangress!! They claim to be the only party that follows Gandhian philosophy! Not sure which Gandhi they’re talking about since India has had a few Gandhis (Mohandas, Indira, Rajiv/ Sanjay, Sonia, Rahul, and now, Priyanka) but their philosophies apparently are formed on Mohandas’s philosophy. Just like Mohandas supported the Khilafat movement, the new Gandhis are supportive of the Khazana (Treasure) Movement!! They, rightly, believe that a nation’s wealth belongs to the people of the country and have started taking this money with the intent of sharing this with the populace of the country, at some point in time (possibly in the next 40-50 years)!

Anyway, Mo, the last thing I wanted to tell you is that the scotch that you loved, is not openly available in your country! You loved it but people in your country drink this on the sly!! The reason I brought this up is most people from your country look like they’ve had a few from the till if you know what I mean when they talk! But, movin’ on, Mo (I mean, you already did but..)your country needs you back to set them back on the path you envisioned! One of Advancement (in types of scotch), Revival of Democracy (the way the current COAS of your country wants), and Fiscal Security (thro’ the “Guns For Hire” philosophy that currently exists). Oh, That’s NOT what you wanted? Oh well, JinJin, as my favorite actor Clint Eastwood said in one of his movies, “The dead can’t talk”! I am now going to say that you actually wanted what I said earlier.

Till next time, Cheers Mo!!

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